All works and pictures © Copyright 1985--2020 by the author. All rights reserved.


Public school was always the place where I got to shine. And by shine I mean demonstrate my infallible ability to disappoint. I had been labeled an ‘underachiever’ very early on and have managed to maintain that standing pretty much my entire life so far. Even my kidneys are underachieving, having recently been rejected for transplant for my younger brother (sorry, Mark).

I knew from an early age that education was prized in my household. My father was pressured by his mother to become a doctor, a folly he realized after several semesters of college before he quit to join the family hardwood flooring business. I also knew from 2nd grade onward that I would never live up to anyone’s expectations for my academic career and that I was destined to disappoint anyone who dared invest their academic hopes in me, just like my father before me.

Oh come on, the skeptical reader might be, ought to be, thinking, how could you have possibly known in second grade? How old were you, seven?

Because of the math incident, that’s how I knew. Now the math incident was not nearly as traumatic as the Great Hebrew School Flabberfuck that was still to come, but it was still disquieting for a little boy and it was the most important lesson I ever learned in school.

In 1967 I first knew love, in the form of Mrs. Tufaro, 2nd grade teacher at Barnum Woods Elementary School. I knew she was married but I did not care. She was probably no more than fifteen years older than I and she was beautiful. She was short, but not too short for me, with dark hair in a shoulder length flip and an off-center part. I distinctly remember her black cat-eye glasses and the softness of her voice. I also remember one of the greatest days of my young life when we took a field trip to the Central Park Zoo and I got to hold her hand all day long. I could not say what I may have seen of the zoo but I can tell you that her touch was a delight that conveyed me to a world beyond. I remember nothing of that day but her soft warm hand and the willingness she had to share it with me whenever I reached for it. That she would put up with a sticky little boy like me for an entire day speaks of her generosity of spirit.

My other obsession as a young lad was the space program. As most boys in the 1960s I eagerly absorbed facts about the cosmos. I knew all about planetary movement in our solar system, the distance to the moon, the ovoid shape of the earth, the impenetrable cloud cover of Venus, the searing temperatures of Mercury, the many moons of Jupiter, and all other manner of space esoterica. What Westerns were to my predecessors in the 40s and 50s, space was to me. Space was my frontier, the promise of space travel was a promise made to my generation.

As any obsessed youngster I could name each astronaut in our space program and every kind of rocket NASA ever constructed. I had assembled and painted scale models of most of them from kits. I had saved and scrimped pennies in order to buy real working rockets from the Estes Corporation. I bought a launcher and the largest models I could afford. Off we would traipse, my friends and I, to the schoolyard on Saturday afternoons, lugging all our equipment with us. We would check the wind speed and direction and ready our bikes to ride swiftly to the recovery. We would carefully select passengers from the menagerie of toads and salamanders that lived in the nearby woods. We would use oversize engines in the quest to gain higher and higher altitudes. We knew that the distance to the moon would soon be breached, if not by us then by other intrepid explorers. We shared distant hopes of reaching the ionosphere, we dared dreamed of geo-synchronous orbits. What if we could place our little rocket in a spot in the sky that would follow us for the rest of our lives? Wouldn’t that be the coolest thing ever?

I knew of geo-synchronous orbits for this was the satellite age. Every kid knew that the gloomy specter of Russia’s Sputnik overhead was the impetus for our own space program. I also knew how satellites needed to be 26,200 miles above the earth in order to match the earth’s rotation and stay in the same spot relative to the earth. In knowing about the rotation of the earth I knew that a day was not 24 hours long. Oh no, in second grade I was aware that we had kind of been lied to. A day was really 24 hours and 59 seconds long but every day for four years we pretend away the 59 seconds until we brought them back all at once to give them their very own special day, February 29th.

So when Mrs. Tufaro, my second obsession, put a question on a quiz about my first obsession, “How many hours are there in 2 days,” I eagerly set out to impress her. Here, finally, was my chance to rise above, to demonstrate my intellect and scholarship. Quickly working out the fancy mathematics I rendered the precise answer; 48 hours, 1 minute, 58 seconds and entered it on the quiz sheet.

Hope is a terrible thing. Hope is what we are left with when reason has already ruled out any possible positive outcome. People will often say, in the grimmest of situations, “At least we still have hope.” That’s an awful thing to say because what they really mean is, “Well, we know we are totally screwed on this, but we still harbor a remote fantasy that everything will come out alright.” When we have to resort to hope, everything is already lost, except our denial. I’m happy to say that I had no need for hope that day because I was right. I had facts in my corner and "facts are stubborn things,” as John Adams once noted. There was no denying the physics that govern the movement of this planet. I was going to demonstrate that advanced knowledge to the woman I loved, and she was going to be suitably impressed and I would be admired by my peers for my intellect and derring-do.

I knew I was right because I was cribbing my answer off Copernicus. Copernicus is celebrated for mathematically proving heliocentrism, that nagging little fact that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way ‘round, but they rarely tell you the whole story about him in school. Copernicus lived in the 15th century world where science was strictly controlled by the Church which maintained an earth-centric view of the universe. I don’t mean ‘maintained,’ like the way the Parks Department ‘maintains’ the bike trails, I mean maintained as in enforced a particular perspective upon pain of iron mask. Contradicting the Church led to charges of heresy; charges of heresy were followed quickly by misplacement of one’s head by the authorities. Copernicus was so afraid of the personal consequences of his discovery that he delayed publication of his work for over 30 years until he was at the natural end of his life. It is said apocryphally that he was handed the first copy of his book on his deathbed.

(This episode begs a question of the Church: Why is that God neglected to tell us that we were not the center of the universe? What’s that about? (And don’t even get me started about the whole flat earth thing.) I mean, in Exodus, God spends 77 paragraphs describing the tabernacle he wants built with almond blossom this and silver candlestick that and He could not be bothered to give us a simple, "Oh BTW, the earth is round" or "The center of the universe is trillions of miles from here and you guys really live in a dusty corner that no one ever looks in." All those thousands of years talking to prophets and nary a word. You'd think, at the very least, that He might want to mention it to His only son, to whom He was bequeathing this erstwhile flat kingdom. Nope. God just let the One True Church (and it’s infallible Pope) prattle on and on for a dozen centuries about how the earth is the center of it all when all along the pagans and worshipers of Ra had it right from the beginning. Is that what Yeats really meant when he said, ‘the center does not hold?’ Is Truth the rough beast that slouches towards Bethlehem? I wonder….).

It is commonly said that seven is the age of reason, that at seven-years-old we start to become aware of the greater world around us and we begin to have the capacity to understand some of the complexities of the world. I think I can rightly claim that was true of me; I was no fool. I knew the answer my teacher was looking for but I also knew that despite her expectation, the truth was more important and she would see it that way too. She would look at my answer and reverse engineer my logic and say to herself, ‘Ha, clever boy, he knows all about the movement of the earth and why we have leap year.’ And I would be rewarded with her smile and her knowledge that I was different and yes, better, than my classmates.

Disappointment is a terrible thing. It’s on the list right after hope, just before disillusionment. I knew I was right and Mrs. Tufaro, my first love (after Lana Wilson in 1st grade, but that was more of a school-boy crush; this was the real thing.), broke my heart and made it clear to me that school is not unlike the Church of Copernicus’s time: they know what all the answers are and any contradictory facts you care to promulgate will be treated as heresy. Truth need not lurk about the classroom lest it find itself with a hood thrown over its head and dragged off to some damp boiler room for ‘enhanced interrogation.’

Without surprise, the quiz came back with my answer all marked up in red ink. That moment quashed any inclination I had to play their game and I became a committed C-minus student, paying just enough attention to get by. I embraced under-achievement as an art form and swore to over-achieve at it; if they allocated GPA scores for under-achieving mine would be 4.0. The sadder part of this tale though is that neither my teacher nor my parents asked me why I put down such a blatantly wrong answer; all they could see was that I was wrong.

We tend think of disillusionment as a negative thing when in fact it is a kissing cousin to enlightenment; one cannot become enlightened without first removing ones illusions. Oscar Wilde said, “Illusion is the first of all pleasures.” His implication was that one holds illusions as an indulgence of misbegotten beliefs or fantasies; in that respect we should seek out disillusionment whenever possible. To be disillusioned is to have learned something about the world and ourselves. It took me until adulthood to appreciate the unintentional favor my teacher did for me.

Out of this episode of disappointment and disillusionment sprouted the seedling that would become my oaken reputation for mathematical ineptitude which in turn would bear fruit of hilarity in my adult years. In my mid-thirties in the mid-nineties I landed a mid-level management position with a Denver company. I would be responsible for managing multi-million dollar data conversion contracts with the world’s largest airlines. The job paid $50K a year which back then was a pretty good wage for a high-school dropout, an ineluctable underachiever, trying to pass himself off in the white-collar world. It was the most money I had ever made outside of some consulting work I had done for Grumman Aerospace. This was a big step up in the world for me, I would need a passport for travel to customers in South America and Europe. I had to buy my first suit and I even bought a forty-dollar silk tie to go with it. I was pretty damn proud of myself.

When I reported this achievement on the phone to my mother she did not offer congratulations, she did not express her pride at this career milestone, she did not wish me good luck, fare thee well, glad tidings. When I told my mother of this good news she responded with, “Well, Jon, I hope they don’t make you do math. You were never very good at math.”

That punch line was set up thirty years earlier when I was in second grade. It's almost as if my seven-year-old self had succeeded in putting a little rocket in geo-synchronous orbit over my head to follow me for the rest of my life and it has a little streamer unfurled behind it that reads, "Sucks at math."

Spam Free Verse

We never take the time to actually read the junk in our email. It's actually quite beautiful in a twisted, dystopian sort of way. I see poetry.

All verbiage guaranteed authentic from my junk mail box. The titles are also taken directly from Subject lines. My comments are on the right.

0.38Euro per portion

Have you ever reflect
how much an average chap
hires for his medicine?
medicine to better the class of real life,
weight bring down medicine,
and many more.
I fetch you
the equal specific,
the plant version –
the equivalent choice,
the equal prescription
at a greatly wise cost.

It’s true, I never reflect how much the average chap hires for his medicine. Somehow this makes me a terrible person, I’m sure.

I can testify that painkillers do better the class of real life. I recommend pomegranate martinis.

Ameliorate your spermatozoon quantity and lineament

Our pills is a scientifically validated grass
nutritional blend to strengthen productiveness
by amending spermatozoon quality,
number and movement.

I have always wondered how to ameliorate my spermatozoon. Now I know.

Uncoined augment your penis solution!

Our latest survey displays
that 72 % of women are unsated with their intimate partners.
assuredly most of these ladies
would never report their associate that they are ill-fated.
Put in good the trouble

I was not aware that I had a penis solution. The question is, what is it solving?

I’m not surprised by this high number. I know that at least 72% of my wives are unsated.

Most assuredly they report to their associate all the time that I am ill-fated. Have they not seen Oprah?

Pampered and soluble pills for serious people

These pills are just equal standard lozenges
but they are specially formulated to be spoiled and soluble
below the glossa. The tablets is took up at the oral fissure
and gets into the blood direct rather of rising
through with the tummytum. This results in a faster much more strong result which even up to 44 hours!

Only serious people deserve pampered pills.

Spoiled and soluble is what you want to look for in your standard lozenges.

In my experience you don’t want anything rising through the tummytum.

You must transmute to the unexcelled chap for your girlfriend.

Our medicine is used to mend cavernous failure,
as well identified as an inability to copulate.

This is in case a male can't procure, or retain,
a solid vertical penis appropriate for intimate action.

My remedy is :

  • suitable to be used as a fulfilment foil
  • has many vantage over other medication
  • can last for 3 days
  • can erect up in the trunk

I think he’s saying that my girlfriend wants a threesome with another guy because of my ‘cavernous failure.’

You never want to erect up in the trunk. And certainly not for 3 days.

Don't pay on commercials - keep your own capital with our help

No much more excogitate about sex time in advance.
When you buy generic pills then you have the equivalent quality and marrow equally if you purchase not generic lozenge. You just acquire additional figure and another monetary value.
The branded versions of the wares are much more charging high prices because the other companies drop plenty on merchandising.
Audit my web-site

Excogitate??! Someone in China went out and bought a thesaurus. It is a real word however and it means the same as cogitate.

What the writer of this ad does not realize is that all men enjoy cogitating about sex time in advance as much as possible. All day in fact. Every day.

What's a pity?

the equivalent medicament costs much more if it is marked.

Hence for what ought you pay much particularly

when you would have the similar medical preparations at a much low cost?
Vast alternative

of our production could assist you
to overpass whatsoever of your infirmity.
At Pharmoze,
we administer you the equal medical facilities,
the generic version –
the same calibre
the equal prescription –
in a very logical worth.

What’s a pity? What poetry!

Pharmoze sounds like something out of the movie Idiocracy.

Solitary I would suggest you another programs merely at a little price.

That don't a trap –
the software package versions that our firm offer are
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.
A retail version comes at a visualizing box, OEM doesn't.
Why should you pay thousands of dollars bigger
if you would receive incisively the equal production but much more cheaper?
You doesn't have to pay money that much for the visualizing package and manuals.

Just so you know that not all spam is about sex or Nigerian scams or fake pharmaceuticals, this guy just wants to sell you pirated software.

This last line is almost LOL cat-speak:

You doezn’t has to pay that much for the visualizing package.

You will take just 14 min to get ready for the time of sexual activity!

Cialis Soft Tabs is the novel impotence cure mean that everybody is reiterating about.

You can mingle it with liquors,
that tabs act more quickest than any others well known curative solution,
you can freely drive and manage heavy system.
CST penetrates the bloodstream immediately
in place of getting through the abdomen so you need
just 10 minutes until your partner feel the effect.

14 minutes? Most guys only need a stiff breeze to get ready.

Oh, how you can mingle with liquors!

Never refer to your wife as a 'heavy system.' Believe me that's a discussion you don't want to have.

How is your partner feeling the effect 4 minutes before you’re ready?

The 4th Conflict, a short film

EXT DAY. In a post-apocalyptic world, 2 twenty-something guys are sitting around a campfire, eating chicken from a spit. Guy 2 is using a serious looking knife to cut pieces off the bird.


Man, how did we get here?

guy 2

Fiik fiic.




Fiik fiic. Fuck if I know, fuck if I care.


Dude, there is something seriously wrong with you. We might be the last two people left on earth.


All I’m saying is I’m just glad to be alive, with a nice fire going and some food to fill my belly. I don’t know what happened to the world, and I don’t care.


Aren’t you the least bit curious?




Dude, that’s scary.


I’m telling you, right now all we got to worry about is surviving.


Yeah, but eventually we’re gonna have leisure time again, once we figure out some basic strategies for food and shelter. Then what are we gonna do? There’s no more movies, no more football games on TV. No bars. No babes. Aren’t you gonna miss that?


I’ll tell ya, I’m starting to miss the peace and quiet I had before you showed up.


Books. I miss books. All the knowledge of mankind and civilization is gone forever. Art, music, literature. Don’t you care about that?


No. (mouth full of food)


We should try to remember as much as we can for future generations, you know, in case there are any.


Not caring.


Art: pointillism, abstract expressionism, cubism, existentialism. No wait, I don’t think that last one belongs. Music: jazz and classical and rock n’ roll, hip hop, acapella, blues, folk, rap. (beat) Maybe we shouldn’t tell anyone about rap. (laughs) That’s funny man. We control the future of rap. We can make it disappear forever.




Are you gonna help me out with this or not?




C’mon man. This is important. Future generations, if there are any, are relying on us. It’s up to you and me to preserve what we can of this world.


If I helped you with one thing, would you shut the fuck up?


Yes. Literature. What are the four conflicts? Man versus man, man versus god, man versus nature and and…shit I can’t remember. Man, God, nature…what is the last one?






(with mouth full of chicken)

Chicken. It’s man versus chicken.


No, it is not.


Sure it is.


Stop saying that!


Man versus chicken. Man versus chicken.


I’m gonna smash you in the face if you say that one more time.


Man … versus … bock bock bock bock bock.

[An altercation ensues between the two guys. After a brief tussle Guy2 stabs Guy1 who falls down dead. Guy2 sits back down to finish eating.]


See, I was right, man versus chicken. (laughs loudly, chokes on chicken in mouth, pantomimes choking, pushes on guy1 to help him, falls down dead next to guy1).

A chicken struts through the campsite.


Roll credits

Fixing The Second Amendment, part deux

Allow only those weapons that were available in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was ratified.

Another Modest Proposal

Guns for Fetuses

It is time to declare a stalemate in the culture wars. The trench warfare of the past 3 decades has produced only divisiveness and animosity on both sides of the cultural divide. Liberals refuse to admit that abortion is no less destruction of life than capital punishment, while bible-thumped conservatives won’t believe that adults are also human beings and as deserving of the right to life as fetuses are.

Here are two simple equations:

abortion = capital punishment

capital punishment = abortion

Conservatives want your fetuses while liberals want your convicts and your guns. The answer to this impasse could be as simple as a tit-for-tat trade of abortion rights for gun rights.

Before implementing this trade program the federal government must implement a program that provides the following across the country. These are non-negotiable.

  1. Sex education that does not rely on teaching abstinence
  2. Free birth control for anyone who wants it
  3. Free health care for poor pregnant women and their children until adulthood
  4. Guaranteed support for single women who bring unwanted fetuses to term
  5. Churches are to be taxed to pay for the program.


In exchange for


Partial birth abortion

Private gun sales outlawed, all gun sellers must be federally registered and all gun sales must go through background checks. Background checks should take 6 months or more.


Abortions for the under 16 set without parental notification, with an exception for anyone who has not had access to the sex ed program.

All assault rifles and automatic weapons permanently & irrevocably outlawed. Possession, manufacture, or importation is a felony with mandatory jail time for the first offense.


Third trimester abortions

All existing handguns must be registered in a federal database. Possession of an unregistered handgun carries mandatory sentencing double the current guidelines for possession of marijuana. Capital punishment changed to Life Without Parole.


Second trimester abortions

Amend the 2nd amendment to allow only single shot hunting rifles and shotguns with exceptions for handguns for active military and law enforcement personnel. Halt all personal handgun sales; ownership of existing registered handguns grandfathered in.


First trimester abortions

All privately held handguns bought by the government and destroyed. NRA outlawed.


Abortions for rape victims

Government must pay a stipend to the victim, pay for unlimited lifetime counseling, pay all costs to bring the fetus to term and pay to support the child through adulthood whether or not it is put up for adoption.


Abortions when mother’s life is endangered


The One True Religion

What makes you so damn sure God believes in us?

Rev. Gianni D'Oro, from Conversations with the Lunatics

Religion has given us the Dark Ages, the crusades, the inquisition, the holocaust, the 6-day war, the Armenian genocide, the war in Kosovo, the Yom Kippur war of 1973, the civil war in Iraq, the civil war in Lebanon, the intifada (Parts I & II, Part III coming soon to a Holy Land near you), the wars of ‘48 and ‘56 against Israel, the genocide in Darfur, the recent bombings in Madrid, Bali, and London and, of course, the events of September 11th 2001. That list does not include the thousands of uncountable skirmishes, melees, kerfuffles, commotions, riots, battles, conflicts, fights, campaigns, hostilities, hot wars, cold wars, sorties, actions, assaults, frays, engagements, scrimmages, suicide bombings, clashes, disputes, feuds, rumbles, romps, pogroms, quarrels, blitzkriegs, flaps, fusses, tussles, massacres, assassinations, brawls, scuffles, spats, squabbles, tiffs, altercations, scraps, scrapes, fights, rows, ruckuses, tumults, rhubarbs, rumpuses, slaughters, hassles, donnybrooks, beefs, and branigans throughout the ages which ended in death for some, or all, of the participants, merely because they believed in something different than someone else.

The history of mankind is largely the history of brutal horrors and bloodshed visited upon millions and millions and millions of innocent people because they had the temerity, the gall, to believe in something that was intended only to honor God.

Think about that for half a moment. Someone wants to kill you because you believe that God wants us to pray five times a day and he believes that God wants us to pray just once a week. And that guy over there wants to kill me because he thinks God wants us to pray standing up while I pray sitting down. And that other guy prays on his knees but somewhere else they have to pray whilst licking their own navels.

All religions are man-made. Every last one of them. Whether you wear a funny hat, fall to your knees, pray in a dead language, burn a candle, light some incense, spin like a top, bow down, stand up, hang from hooks embedded in your skin, drink strychnine, eat peyote, play with snakes, sit in the dark, wrap some funny boxes around your head, stick arrows though your face, stay a virgin, or play with your poop, every religious practice was invented by men.

Here’s where mankind gets even more ridiculous, if such a thing is possible: none of the parties involved in this bloodletting are disputing God, the disputes are only about the different ways to honor God. It’s as if I wanted to kill you because you believe in the color blue and I believe in ... apples. Looking through the broad lens of the past, people who believe in religion honor Him most often with the spilled blood, broken bodies and crushed skulls of people who believe something a little different.

Right now, as you read this, Christians, Jews, Muslims (Sunni and Shiite), Hindus, Buddhists, Scientologists, Falun Gongs, animists, and maybe even Jainists and Zoroastrians, are being killed because of their religious beliefs. Probably no Southern Baptists or Mormons are being killed at this moment, but that might just be an oversight on someone’s part that will be rectified soon enough.

But also right now there is another group of people who are not being killed for their religious beliefs. In fact, throughout history, this single group of people have never been subjected to systemic slaughter for religious reasons. That makes them unique in the annals of history. They live among us in every country of the world, they are part of every race and color, they are our neighbors and colleagues and friends and relatives and yet their kind have never been subjected to religious persecution. Ever. No genocides, no holocausts, no kerfuffles have ever been waged against them.

At this moment not a single agnostic is being killed for their beliefs (or lack thereof).

As a person who believes in a religion or even just identifies their self as belonging to a religion, you must ask this question: Why is my God killing my people?

Oh no, you say, not in my religion, my religion teaches that man has free will; it is man with his free will that is killing my people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all religions have that loophole, bub. But still you may protest, my God isn’t killing my people because He is a loving God. Have you read the Old Testament or the Quran? Don’t you know that your God, Allah, the God of Abraham, Jesus’ daddy, is completely capable of, and comfortable with, smiting any one of you? It says so in all the books you say He has written. Please, spend some time reading Numbers to see how often He kills His own followers because of some minor infraction. Read your own stories and you will know that He, the Creator of the Universe, is vain and petty and jealous and He will joyfully have you whacked just for walking with a Midanite woman or gathering firewood on the Sabbath. It says so in your books.

Still, if you are incapable of believing in a brutal God, a recidivist God, an insecure, neurotic God demanding only of feckless fealty, and that your God is now only kind and beneficent despite all the documented evidence of his brutal past, then you must ask yourself this question, Why is my God, the one true God of the one true religion, allowing these filthy heretics and infidels (may God curse them!) to slaughter my people?

Do the math and know that this twisted human equation has but a single correct answer: God hates religion. The only people who are not being killed for their religious convictions are those who don’t have any. Which means, obviously, that the agnostics are the secret Chosen People. They are the only ones that God is not killing or allowing to be killed by other religious zealots, and it has always been that way throughout history.

Religion equals hate, hate becomes death, death is the wages of belief. Religion is dripping in the blood of believers, while no one has ever, in the recorded history of manunkind, waged war against the agnostics. Therefore God is clearly on the side of the non-believers out there, not yours, and He is slowly killing those who believe in religion. God hates religion and He is glad to let other believers kill you.

Faith-Based Workplace

Have you ever been curious about the way organized religions manage to ignore, deflect, or obfuscate the hardest questions about God, creation, and the mysteries of life? Have you ever wondered how they do it, or perhaps even fantasized about using their methods in your own life? Well, now you can! With this amazing new system from Barking Cow Productions: The Faith-Based Workplace™

The Faith-Based Workplace™ is a complete system of instructional videos, workbooks, and role-playing exercises designed to turn you into an all-powerful corporate player without any accountability whatsoever. Here are just a few of the things we cover in this comprehensive guide:

  • Tithing—how to collect kickbacks from your minions and vendors and make them feel glad about it
  • How to ostracize colleagues who won’t play by your rules
  • Holier than thou—how to make anyone feel guilty when they ask you to do something for them
  • How to meddle in your colleagues’ projects in the name of the CEO
  • The Caste System—how to make your department feel superior to all other departments
  • The Holy Trinity—CEO, CFO, VP Sales
  • The Pope wears a yarmulke and a dress—attire for career success
  • How to make yourself one of the CEO’s ‘chosen people’
  • Deification—how to promote any unsuspecting colleague to a position they are destined to be crucified for
  • The Fatwa—how to use arbitrary edicts to control criticism
  • Demonizing your enemies—character assassination with the help of the number one demon himself, Beelzebub
  • Fish into wine—miracle making 101
  • Reincarnation—how to convince everyone you’ve changed after your cruel side has been exposed
  • The Son of God—how to make nepotism work
  • Sects or Sex—how to tell when you’ve gone beyond cult status in the organization
  • The Crusades—how to plunder and pillage the company credit card with the CFO's blessing
  • When to invoke the phrase that ends all debate: It’s the CEO’s will
  • Channeling Torquemada—when to call for an Inquisition and how to conduct one
  • The Holy Scriptures—how to reinterpret the Mission Statement to fit your personal agenda
  • Prophets to profits—the LDS model for making money
  • Circumcision—how to cut off your detractors in a meeting, literally
  • Acts of God—how to deflect blame for disasters
  • The Second Coming—how to rise again from a dead career
  • Holy War—declaring an office Jihad and taking no prisoners!

Includes special career guidance:

  • Accounting: Despite the evidence to the contrary, numbers are not an exact science—you have to shuffle them around until they match your story.
  • Customer service: Using all nine levels of Hell and voice mail to your advantage.
  • Marketing: The high priests of the company—divining where the industry is heading.
  • Tech Support: Punishing the heretics who want to use software not sanctified by the company.
  • Sales: Missionaries selling the hereafter to the faithless heathens.
  • Software engineers: The mystics whose Halo 3-induced trances enable them to speak in tongues and write in secret languages. If you believe their code is bug-free, then it is!

Sure, you’ve probably read Machiavelli’s The Prince or Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Those may have even been helpful to you; but add the power of religion to your resume and you’ll be Omnipotent! Order your copy of The Faith-Based Workplace™ today from Barking Cow Enterprises for only $199.99.

The Legend of The Barking Cow

The ancient Zen book, The Gateless Gate tells this story known as “Joshu's Dog”:

A monk asked Joshu, a Zen master, “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?”
Joshu replied, “Mu.”

There is some contention among modern translators as to the meaning of the word ‘Mu.’ It is generally understood to be the negative symbol in Chinese, meaning ‘No-thing’ or ‘Nay' or ‘cease to be,’ but it is certain that ‘Mu’ does not mean ‘No’ in the Western sense of the word. A later commentator had this to say about the event:

Has a dog Buddha-nature?
This is the most serious question of all.
If you say yes or no,
You lose your own Buddha-nature*

*Translation: Joshu was spot-on with his answer. It is related anecdotally (and perhaps apocryphally as well) that the answer which Joshu gave was so remarkable that the scribe recording the incident achieved instant enlightenment and thus failed to capture what happened next:

The monk then asked Joshu, “Has a cow Buddha-nature?”
The Zen master looked the monk in the eye and replied, “Woof.”

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