All works and pictures © Copyright 1985--2020 by the author. All rights reserved.

Walking Past Cars

I pass through several neighborhoods on my walk and in the suburbs that means there's plenty of cars.

I don't know what he is trying to convey with this paint job:

* he likes to fish
* his car goes like a fish
* he is a fish who drives

It is easier to discern the meaning of this image often seen on the mudflaps of pickup trucks and 18-wheelers:

The Wyoming Library Org has tried to co-opt the image with their own version:

(and I have to wonder if my librarian friend Carolyn, formerly of Jackson Hole, Wyoming had anything to do with it...)

I'm not so sure that they achieved their goal with this image as I imagine the young lady is reading either Lady Chatterley's Lover or Penthouse Forum.

They also had a marvelous bumper sticker on their web site:

which I may have to purchase for Qacei who is never without a book in hand.

And then I found this version on the interwebs which I may have to purchase for her first car.

Which brings us back to walking among the cars wherein I happened across this on the back of a Honda Civic the other day:

and it made me smile for the rest of my walk.

My Walk

My walk is wonderful. It is a mile through the Village Green Park to the Jackson Frazier Wetland.

The Wetland is ever changing and I see something new nearly every day. For example, do you know what happens when a cattail reaches maturity?

It's a fecund mess and the boardwalk gets covered in fluff at this time of year.

Aristotle noted that, 'Nature does nothing uselessly,' and Kepler paraphrased him with, 'Nature uses as little as possible of anything.'

But neither man must have been a careful observer of the reproductive process because where sex is concerned, nature uses a shotgun approach. A woman is born with tens of thousands of eggs and a man produces millions of sperm just so that they can produce a couple or three offspring in their lifetimes. Plants throw out millions of seeds in the hopes that one or two or ten will take root. Fish scatter their eggs by the thousands in open water. There is nothing conservative about this process, it is a Tammany attempt to stuff nature's ballot box with as many offspring as possible.

Walking Round In Circles - Intro

I walk 5 miles every day. I do this because I just turned 50 and I swore to myself that I would not turn into one of those middle-aged guys who look like they are about to give birth:

I have struggled with my weight most of my life and suffered being called 'Pugsly' by my eldest brother when we were younger (it's okay--we refer to him in my house as 'Uncle Puffy' as he is now beginning to inflate).

Eight years ago I put myself on a regime of my own devising. I started going to the gym 3 times a week and created the no-white diet (no white sugar, flour, pasta, bread, rice or potatoes). I dropped 40 pounds in 18 months. But I didn't keep up with it and gained back 20 pounds over the past 6 years of restaurant ownership.

So now I am walking every day and have lost 10 pounds in the past 3 months. And I have modified my diet to take into account my slowing metabolism (portion control is your friend) so I don't gain it back this time.

But that is not the point of these entries. The point of these entries is that I bring my camera with me and take pictures of interesting things I find on my walk so I can share them with you here. Make sure you click on the images, some of them are quite nice in full size.