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Walking Round In Circles - Intro

I walk 5 miles every day. I do this because I just turned 50 and I swore to myself that I would not turn into one of those middle-aged guys who look like they are about to give birth:

I have struggled with my weight most of my life and suffered being called 'Pugsly' by my eldest brother when we were younger (it's okay--we refer to him in my house as 'Uncle Puffy' as he is now beginning to inflate).

Eight years ago I put myself on a regime of my own devising. I started going to the gym 3 times a week and created the no-white diet (no white sugar, flour, pasta, bread, rice or potatoes). I dropped 40 pounds in 18 months. But I didn't keep up with it and gained back 20 pounds over the past 6 years of restaurant ownership.

So now I am walking every day and have lost 10 pounds in the past 3 months. And I have modified my diet to take into account my slowing metabolism (portion control is your friend) so I don't gain it back this time.

But that is not the point of these entries. The point of these entries is that I bring my camera with me and take pictures of interesting things I find on my walk so I can share them with you here. Make sure you click on the images, some of them are quite nice in full size.

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